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Definition of Special Educational Needs:


A child or young person has SEN if they have a difficulty or disability which calls for special educational

provision to be made.

Children have a learning difficulty if they have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of the same age or have a disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of educational facilities. These difficulties may be due to physical or sensory disability, emotional or behavioural difficulty; specific learning difficulties, speech and language problems or due to medical conditions.


(Children and Families Act 2014; SEND Code of Practice: 0 to 25 January 2015)



Identification and assessment of pupils with SEN:


The majority of pupils will have their needs met through normal classroom arrangements and appropriate differentiation (quality first teaching).


The school endeavours to identify children who have a special educational need as early as possible. Evidence will be collected through regular observations and assessments to track individual needs and progress.


Parents of any child placed on the SEN register will be informed by the class teacher or the SENCo/Inclusion Leader.


Hampshire Advisory Criteria for SEN will be used to support decisions. Pupils identified will be recorded on the SEN register as:


‘SEN Support’ – recognising needs can be fully met through the resources ordinarily available in any state-funded mainstream school.  Children at ‘SEN Support’ will have an Individual Education Plan (IEP).


EHCP – Children with the most complex needs nay be subject to an education, health and care assessment (EHC).  This is a more formal, multi-agency investigation into a child’s SEN and may lead to the child being made an EHC plan – a legal document that sets out all of the child’s SEN and the special educational provision that must be made for them so that the child can achieve good outcomes.  EHC plans must be reviewed once a year, to provide an opportunity to celebrate the progress the child has made over the previous 12 months, make any changes to the EHC plan or consider if an EHC plan is no longer needed.   


Wootey Infant School SEND intent:


  1. Inclusive Environment: Promote an inclusive ethos, where the individual needs of every child are recognised, understood, and accommodated within the school community.
  2. High Expectations: Have high expectations for all children, including those with SEND, and provide them with equal opportunities to succeed.
  3. Personalised Learning: Implement a curriculum that is flexible and tailored to meet the diverse needs of children with SEND, offering appropriate levels of challenge and support.




  1. Quality First Teaching: Ensure that teachers are equipped with the knowledge and skills to adopt inclusive teaching practices that effectively cater to the needs of all learners, including those with SEND.
  2. Specialist Support: Provide access to specialist support, such as educational psychologists, speech and language therapists, and occupational therapists, to address individual needs and enhance learning outcomes.
  3. Collaborative Partnerships: Work in collaboration with external agencies and parents to develop comprehensive support plans that align with the Education, Health, and Care (EHC) plans of children with SEND.




The impact of outstanding SEND provision at Wootey Infant school is evidenced by the progress and achievements of children with SEND, as well as the positive attitudes towards diversity and inclusion within the school community.


  1. Progress and Attainment: Children with SEND make significant progress in their learning, narrowing the attainment gap and demonstrating tangible academic, social, and emotional growth.
  2. Well-Being and Confidence: Children with SEND exhibit improved well-being and confidence, enabling them to fully engage in learning and social interactions within the school environment.
  3. Cultural Climate: Foster a cultural climate where diversity is celebrated, and the contributions of children with SEND are valued and integrated into the wider school community.


This comprehensive approach to SEND provision aims to ensure that every child, irrespective of their individual needs, is empowered to thrive and make significant progress within an inclusive and nurturing school environment.


What Our Parents Think *


When it comes to special needs, fantastic and always friendly, there is so much communication from school to parent.  You really have helped my child, with his learning move forward, he is going to miss you all so much.

His teachers are amazing and the 1:1 support is excellent. Y2 Parent


I’m really happy with the way you have helped xxx through Y2, she has come a long way and we have noticed a difference. Y2 parent


The school provides excellent results.  YR parent


Caring for the children and their concerns, providing a good education system. YR parent


Treating/seeing all children as individuals.  Y1 parent


Have helped …. my children learn really well with help and encouragement. YR parent


I love the school –three of my children have attended and they love it. YR parent


All the staff are friendly, approachable and helpful.  The school has excellent equipment for the children inside and out.  Communication is great here –I’m always kept informed ….. the children always seem to be treated as individuals which is great for any child but appear to work as a team as well. YR parent


Encouraging xxx to interact with everyone.  Finding the best way to get the most from her. YR parent


Really good at: transition – both my boys have never looked back!  Y1 parent


All my children have been to this school and have all loved it. Y1 parent


Good at: Helping my child overcome their fears and making them feel safe.  Y1 parent


Amazing staff, they all go above and beyond to ensure happy pupils and parents.  Great facilities.  YR and Y2 parent


Here is our SEND policy
