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  • Happiness
  • Respect
  • Creativity

School Values and Rewards

'Pupils know the school values of happiness, respect and creativity. They strive to follow these and the ‘golden rules’'

'Pupils appreciate the recognition for their hard work and effort, which is celebrated weekly.'

'Pupils enthusiastically talk about the opportunities they have to learn different skills during golden time. Gardening, sewing and bookmaking are popular, though cooking wins the first prize.'

Ofsted October 2024


Our Learning (Curriculum) Policy describes how our School Values of Happiness, Respect and Creativity are the driving force of everything we do at Wootey Infant School.

Please click link below to the Learning Policy 


Please scroll down our welcome page to discover further details about the values we uphold at Wootey Infant School.

In YR the children collect silver and gold Pom Poms for following the Golden Rules and Silver Learning Code. Collectively they work together to fill the Pom Pom Pot. When the pot is full the class choose a reward to celebrate their achievement. Popular choices are weaning PJs to school, having a bubble treat, baking, special games.


In Y1 & Y2 the children collect Dojo points for keeping the Golden Rules and Silver Learning Code. When a child reaches 100 Dojos they can choose a reward. Popular choices are Special Time with a chosen member of staff or a friend from a different Year Group, extra playtime with a friend, 100 Dojo Headteacher sticker, Making Time. The children also work collectively on focussed Golden Rules to fill their Jingle Jar with Jingles 


Children are often asked to share their great learning or behaviour with other classes or staff. Our Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher have special stickers to reward the children with when they 'show off' their achievement to these staff.


On Fridays we celebrate lots of these achievements in Celebration Assembly. There is always a Core Value of the week in focus an a Reading Star of the week in each class, for hard work to improve reading, is celebrated Achievements from out of school, such as Investiture in Rainbows/Beavers or certificates/trophies/medals from swimming or sports clubs are shown. 


At the end of each term the Governors select a child from each class who has worked hard to uphold the Core Values. This is the REACH Award. Recipients are awarded with a REACH pencil, certificate, medal and badge.



Golden Ticket reward for happy, creative, respectful lunchtimes

We celebrate children at lunchtimes by the dinner ladies giving children a "Golden Ticket" when they see  the core values of happiness, respect and creativity. Each half term, two children from each class have their tickets  picked from the hat. If they are chosen they are rewarded with a special treat which can range from a tea party to an extra special playtime.