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Our School Day

Many children from the Infant and Junior school enjoy the 'Breakfast' Club run on site from 7.45am on-wards, with supervised fun activities.

We open the classroom doors at 8.45am. The children engage in Early Morning Activities including sharing a book with a friend, practicing handwriting or spelling or drawing.


At 8.55am the children start the register and this is the beginning of a very exciting day. Our staff are experts at finding 'very important helpful tasks' or providing comfort and cuddles when required for those children who are a little unsure when first starting. We are always at the end of the telephone if you are worried about how your child has settled into the day.

The learning and fun continue through to playtime where your child can take full advantage of Wootey's extensive and exciting grounds. Reception children play in their own garden outside their classroom until they are confident to join the other children. We take the learning outside whenever possible to incorporate our outside learning environments, including our woodland trail, forest, wildlife pond, sheltered seating areas and central courtyard into the children's experience. Class continues until lunchtime when the children can enjoy their healthy lunch together in the hall or outside in the dry warm weather. Free, scrummy, nutritious hot dinners are cooked onsite or the children may bring a healthy packed lunch. Each class has a lunchtime supervisory assistant to make sure your child is safe and happy. To encourage healthy eating, fresh fruit and chilled milk is available daily.

We have Assemblies daily in the hall or classrooms. Once a week we celebrate each other's birthdays and every Friday we have a Celebration Assembly where children share how they have kept our Golden Rules or Silver Learning Code. Certificates, stickers and medals are awarded for all types of learning and fantastic behaviour. The afternoon session ends at 3.15pm, where a wonderful range of activities to suit all tastes is then available at the school run After School Club until 6pm. The school day is 8.55am to 3.15pm, 31.4 hours per week.
