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Applying for a place

'This is a nurturing school that has high ambition for pupils, including those who are disadvantaged and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).'

'Adults take great care of pupils, and this helps pupils to feel safe. They know adults will help to clear their worries away.'

'The school is ambitious for every pupil. This starts with reading. Staff are experts in teaching phonics and early reading.'

'The school has developed a broad, balanced and engaging curriculum.'

'Teachers have strong subject knowledge. They use pupils’ curiosity to engage them in their learning.'

'Pupils’ personal development is a central part of the school’s work. The pastoral support for pupils and their families is a strength of the school. Through the school values the pupils learn to understand and respect differences.'

Ofsted October 2024


We highly recommend visiting us to discover for yourself what a special learning environment we have to offer your child. Please do not hesitate to contact us to make an appointment or if you would like support in making an application. The Hampshire Local Authority information on applying for a school place is available here:
