Home Page
  • Happiness
  • Respect
  • Creativity


Our learning, ethos and values are shaped through our Core Values as described in our Learning (Curriculum) Policy

'The school has developed a broad, balanced and engaging curriculum. The important knowledge and skills that the school want pupils to know at the end of each unit of learning is clear.'

'Teachers have strong subject knowledge. They use pupils’ curiosity to engage them in their learning. In the Reception Year, children hunted excitedly for patterns hidden in the outdoor area. Teachers ensure that pupils can remember what they have learned. They do this through skilful questioning. Staff constantly check pupils’ learning and provide appropriate support. This effective support helps pupils to listen, concentrate and engage well in their learning in class.'

Ofsted October 2024


What does your child learn at school each day? Find information about our curriculum subjects here. If you would like more information about our curriculum please take a look at the weekly memos on Tapestry or Seesaw. Please don't hesitate to speak to your child's teacher to find out more.

Topics & Educational Visits/Visitors

Please note that we follow the children's interests closely, consequently these topics and/or visits may be subject to change.



KS1 Topic Cycle 1

KS1 Topic Cycle 2


Knowing Me, Knowing You


‘Alphabetti Spaghetti’- including farm visit to school

Winter our school grounds and local area

Christmas visit to St Lawrence Church

Knowing Me, Knowing You

Commotion in the Ocean Visit to Historic Dockyard, Portsmouth 




Knowing Me, Knowing You

Fire, Fire

Visit to Fire Station

Visit from Hampshire Fire & Rescue Service






Winter our school grounds and local area

Spring our school grounds and local area

Once Upon a Time



Whizz, Bang, Pop Machine


Castles Visit to Windsor Castle



Skellybones (humans and animals)- Visit to Marwell Zoo & a restaurant

Y2-The Giant Sing-Live Theatre & singing collectively



Spring our school grounds and local area

Summer our school grounds and local area

Location, Location, Location Visit in local area


National School Sports Week

Rumble in the Jungle-Visit to RHS Gardens Wisley

Plants and animals in our grounds (habitats & micro-habitats)

Mini Museum visit to school

National School Sports Week

Going Places

Visits near & far

Oh I do Like to be Beside the Seaside



Mini Museum visit to school


National School Sports Week


Click the links below for our Statutory Curriculum Requirements.

Please refer to the document on our Learning Links page to find out about our provision for Remote Education.
