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Late/Absence Procedures

Please inform the school office by telephone before 9am if your child is unwell and will be absent. If we do not hear from you we will text to ensure that your child is safe. If we still do not hear from you we will call all contacts we have until we know your child is safe. 

If a child has been sick or had a stomach upset it is a requirement that they remain at home for 48hrs from the last onset.

All other absences must be requested in advance by completing an ‘Absence from school due to exceptional circumstances’ form, available from the office. Schools are only able to authorise absence in exceptional circumstances. When making a request for a leave of absence we ask parents to consider:

  • The timing of the request, in particular the importance of pupils being present for the beginning of term.
  • Previous attendance during the year.
  • Whether there are any educational visits or special learning events being held during the time of the request.
  • The impact of the request on the child’s social development and overall well-being.

When considering a request the Headteacher will use their discretion in line with county and government policy but in particular will consider whether there are extraordinary circumstances and the factors listed above.

Please see the office for any further clarification or in the event of exceptional circumstances.

Lateness: Please note that the School day starts at 8.55 (although doors are open from 8.45) Lateness before 9.10 is recorded as late. After 9.10 we are required to record lateness as an unauthorised absence.
