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Week Beginning 8th February 2021

The Chinese New Year celebrations start on Friday 12th February. This week we will be sharing the story about how the years were named after the animals. Tasting noodles (Tuesday) and using chopsticks!

I wonder who will be reading stories this week...


Word Lists can be found in Week Beginning 18th January.


Read Write Inc.

Click on the daily links on Tapestry Home Learning Activities.


To access the videos click on the daily links on Tapestry Home Learning Activities.


Fine-motor skills – funky fingers –

  • Use scissors to make a Chinese lantern. A simple method shown below.   
  • Use chopsticks to pick up items and move them or maybe have a go at eating with chopsticks.
  • As many of the children know it is Mrs Raper’s favourite thing to fold paper and make paper aeroplanes. So why not have a go and see how far you can fly your plane. Can you land it on a target? Watch the video on Tapestry to see how Mrs Raper makes her aeroplanes!
  • Make a model with construction toys and draw a picture of it. You could label the different parts or special features.


Gross-motor skills

  • In preparation for the Chinese New Year families clean and tidy their homes. Can you help to brush things up, practice using a dustpan and brush or sweeping/ raking in the garden.
  • Try Chinese Lion dancing – click on the link to find out more.
  • Go for a walk and look for some signs of Spring or if it snows have a snowy walk and build a snowman, throw snowballs, if it rains go puddle jumping, if it’s windy fly a kite!
  • Play a physical game of ‘Simon Says’ – standing as tall as a house, jumping like a kangaroo, making funny faces, standing on one foot, waving hands above your head.
  • Limbo – How low can you go? Use your imagination when it comes to using objects to go under without your child’s hands touching the floor/ground!

