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Week Beginning 1st February 2021

Thank you for your continued commitment to your child’s home learning. If you are reading this you have found ‘Home Learning’ on the school website.

Have a look with your child and share/talk about the slideshow. You may find some of your learning or new ideas to help you at home.


This week we are reading ‘The Gingerbread Man’ watch Mrs Christer on Tapestry read the story.


On Wednesday we plan to make Gingerbread Men – see recipe for ingredients.

Read Write Inc.

Click on the daily links on Tapestry Home Learning Activities.



To access the videos click on the daily links on Tapestry Home Learning Activities.

Track Game Templates



Fine-motor skills – funky fingers – using kitchen tongs or tweezers to transfer small items.

Small items can be anything you have at home – marbles, pom-poms, cereal, toys, beads, counters, seeds, conkers, pennies, ping-pong balls, buttons even sweet treats!

  • transfer small items from one bowl to another
  • fill each section of an ice cube tray
  • post items into a tubes such as kitchen roll inners or wrapping paper tubes (any cylinders)
  • together make a wide mouthed frog and post into the open mouth
  • bath toys into a bucket
  • collect hidden objects around a room/ house or garden


Gross-motor skills

  • Have fun exploring ‘Oti’s Boogie Beebies’ – You can Zoom to the moon, be a sea creature or even a monster!

  • Make a gingerbread assault course, thinking about the different tricky situations in the story (The story starts in the kitchen, then through the door (hoop?) over the gate (skipping rope?) away from the animals (under the bed sheet?) and across the stream (balance on something). Develops the skills of moving around and avoiding obstacles. This could be done on a walk or in the park and remember there are lots of words to describe position – under, over, across,
  • Take your child outside to run fast and slow. Can they jump like the Gingerbread Man?
  • Play Gingerbread Man tag. You are the fox as the chaser and your child is the Gingerbread Man being chased. Swap over.

